This week over on the Daring Cardmakers blog Lythan has chosen our elemental inspiration challenge:
You need to pick three elements from the photo as inspiration and the colour palette is one element.
I went for the colours, the layout of the middle-right photo as a sketch, and a summer-related phrase. :)
Paper and stickers: Simple Stories
Other: 3D foam tape
This sentiment has definitely been needed this week for various reasons...
My blog has always been about sharing crafty projects with a little of the personal thrown in.
So here's a bit of the personal, and I promise normal service will resume after today's post.
The Brexit vote has had a considerable impact on my head space.
I am one of the 48%.
I'm not going to go all political on here but that's how I voted and honestly to see what is happening in this country since Friday and the real fallout of the referendum results. Well, I've never known anything like it in my lifetime.
On top of that I interrupted a burglary in my home in the early hours of Monday morning, chasing the burglar out. I'm not going to go into details, but I was very lucky with how things turned out.
But I will pass on what I have immediately learnt:
- Make sure if you have an iPhone/Apple devices that you have Find my iPhone etc. enabled - My iPhone was a true hero in this story and used by the police to great effect.
- Check your car insurance policy to make sure you have Key Cover - my car keys were stolen along with bank cards. I am very grateful I had my car keys separate to my house keys. But key cover has meant that I was able to get the locks changed and keys coded on the same day without affecting my no claims or having to pay excess.
- Never underestimate how small an opening a burglar will be happy to try out to gain access. Even a small window for a loo is big enough for someone to get through.
- Take your keys to bed with you.
- If it's precious to you, or you would definitely miss it when it's gone - don't leave it downstairs. Finished charging your camera - take it back upstairs with you.
- When you go to bed, stash your handbag somewhere within easy reach but out of sight.
These are all good things to keep in mind and remain vigilant about - it's more about remaining vigilant and not becoming too complacent rather than scaremongering. :)
So yes... this is where I am one week on from when "normal life" for much of the nation suddenly changed.
"Keep your sunny side up!"
I swear to God I'm trying... I am definitely trying. xx
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