Well, I've managed to get another Christmas card made - this time for the main prompt for the 2016 card challenge.
Here's a reminder of the prompt:
I was inspired by the mix of colours with blush pink, a sage aqua and charcoal.
I also liked the idea of featuring a penguin on my card!
Paper: Crate Paper, MME
Stamp: Lil' Inker Designs
Dies: MFT, Mama Elephant
Sticker: Pebbles Inc
Other: white embossing powder, 3D foam tape
I finally bought myself an EK Success powder tool for better embossing results. It might be the thing that finally makes me did out the heat gun more often! ;) Watch this space. LOL In the meantime this is another card to add to this year's somewhat small pile. I really do hope I'll have enough to go around. :oS
Until next time, happy crafting!
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