I finally came to the end of my mammoth binge fest of watching Seasons 5 to 7 of Parks and Recreation yesterday.
I cannot believe there are no new episodes left for me to binge on. I am just glad that I have 62 hours of this series to rewatch again and again.
What a show! It is one of the few comedies that has left me laughing out loud hysterically and sniffling emotionally in the space of the same 20 minutes more often than not. It is a show full of heart and amazing people.
How I wish we could all have people like the Parks team in our lives.
If you've never seen the show definitely check it out - you will not regret it!
It took me until somewhere in Season 2 to become a forever fan.
If you need more convincing and don't mind being spoiled, this is a great article about some of the best episodes (but seriously there are at least 20 odd amazing episodes followed by another hundred fantastic instalments that could go on that list!).
I will miss Leslie's eternal can-do attitude, her amazing skills at binder assemblage, her crazy gift-giving ESP, and her unique and sweet descriptions for best friend Ann:
They are quite something and usually go along the lines of...
Ann you...
Ron Swanson.
Ron deserves a whole chapter to himself - that man made that show and often left a lump in my throat - may his Tammy-spidey-sense forever be in good working order!
I will miss Donna Meagle's fantastic wordless asides to camera - and her super secret life outside of work!
Her reactions though, especially to things Jerry says/does!
Her friendship with Tom, Tom Haverford...
One of my favourite lines from Parks is courtesy of them!
Click on the image below for the vid:
Ben and his lifetime love of Calzones... well almost lifetime except for the food poisoning...
Oh and loveable nerdish fanboy tendencies including the invention of the wildly popular Cones of Dunshire...
Sweet innocent Andy Dwyer and his heart of gold not to mention his flawless comedic timing.
I think the cover of this mag summed up perfectly how Jerry is portrayed in the show:
Basically this sums it all up:
Pawnee teamwork forever! Click on the image below to go to the video... I will never be able to hear that Gloria Estefan song again without seeing this!
And now to enjoy re-re-watching it all for many years to come.
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