It's been a busy week on the work front so far and with this whole self-employed you're-you're-own-boss malarkey I've not really had a lot of down time - other than catching up on my daily fix of guilty pleasure reality TV while eating lunch and dinner.
Namely the compulsive viewing that is I Found the Gown and Say Yes to the Dress Atlanta!
Do not judge me.... :D
But I seem to be finding more shows to add to my Tivo list on TLC! Heaven help me!
But what's the point of guilty pleasure viewing unless it really is a pleasure that you can watch with super speed fast fwd when needed? <g>
So yes, tomorrow night is cinema outing night with my friend Kelly and we are off to see this:
Have been looking forward to seeing it since the first trailers came out - it looks good and I have heard good things! I just wonder if they will keep the name of the original 60's show's big bad... T.H.R.U.S.H... hm... we shall see! :D
Anyway, I have a few more things to do on the PC tonight, then it's time for a soak in the bath and bed. The end to a thrilling Wednesday. ;o)
The show I like best is from there I think the Sherlock Holmes with Cumberbach...waiting for the next season! :D if there is one here and I hope there is! Enjoy your outing!
Posted by: Dolly | Thursday, 20 August 2015 at 12:00 AM