I'm having a bit of an update and organizational fix with my phone photos and I realised although May passed in the blink of an eye I didn't take all that many photos that weren't craft related... but hey, why not have a little catch-up? ;)
I've had some fun times with Miss A in May - we even attempted our first selfie:
Miss A was quite taken with the taking of a selfie and tried to take some more but kept jumping out of shot! LOL
Selfie taking got old, especially when there was a scooter to move around on:
There were also some dining and cinema outings in May:
Sadly no cardboard cut-outs for the Spooks movie, wouldn't that have been nice with cardboard Kit? But that evening did start off nicely for a Tuesday evening:
There was some crafty behind-the-scenes antics in May - namely my big crafty clear-out. There is NO before photo as I just couldn't bring myself to record that. But this paper pile took 4 plus hours to sort through:
And then my Harry Potter craft cupboard (complete with bi-fold doors that close and hide it all away) was tidied and organised a bit better and there's now space for more - which is the important thing right?
Oh, and some crafty antics were required in preparation for my future sister-in-law's hen weekend in Edinburgh. There was a sea theme and so I got to work on a pirate badge to go with my pirate hat:
The weekend was definitely memorable - despite the sheer volume of vodka and cocktails enjoyed! :D
My brother was sure looking forward to a quiet weekend:
The less said about this the better:
But wowzers, after our spooky Mercat underground tour of Edinburgh (which included my watch stopping for 15 minutes) we headed to the Hard Rock café for one of my favourite activities of the weekend. A 2 hr cocktail making class (really educational and fun!) which included discovering my new favourite cocktail (I'm hoping I can still remember how to make it) called Island Spice (a fantastic rum, ginger and mint combo!) followed by more cocktail drinking over lunch:
This pineapple and roasted coconut mojito was lush! And it looked like we all enjoyed our cocktails to the max!
Anyway, we all made it home safe and sound on Sunday - a bit tired but all in one piece.
The weather was fab up north of the border except for Saturday night, but down here it's been stormy and temperamental ever since...
I'm still wondering if it's really June - it is still so cold!
Here's hoping the sun comes out and stays out for some actual summer capering!
I was beginning to wonder where you got to girl! LOL I hadn't seen any of your beautiful creations on instagram...was wondering about your new inks and how they were :D Hope to see your beautiful work soon! :D
Posted by: Dolly | Wednesday, 03 June 2015 at 05:21 PM