Well it's been a bit of a funny weekend... I kept thinking it was Sunday yesterday and that wouldn't be such a bad thing thinking you have an extra weekend day to enjoy.
But on my way out last night I discovered that my front tyre was flat as a pancake and the wheel trim was missing. End result = trip to the garage tomorrow, but during work hours - a very tightly scheduled work Monday. So this morning and into the afternoon I have been working to try and offset the time it will take me tomorrow to go sort my car out. Joy!
But back to yesterday... I did spend a lot of the day enjoying some of my new 2015 musical downloads and I might as well share them here too. :D
Numero uno - I have a new album purchase, it's been on my wish list a while but it was on offer so into the basket it went. It's Creation by The Pierces - I have their previous album on CD, in fact it was on constant shuffle in the car for about 4 months when it came out.
My favourite tracks at the moment are:
I Can Feel:
And well all the songs on the album are fab, including the ones already released as singles, the above are just a few that really stood out on the first listen. :D
Next up some thing a bit different, I am building up my collection of Civil Wars tracks song at a time... here's the most recent addition:
This purchase was swiftly followed by Jesse Ware's Wildest Moments:
And I would love to get this song - but it's exclusive to the EP - will have to give the EP a few listens in preview and see if I'll be bighting the bullet!
I seem to be on a mellow path with these songs...
But there was one with a bit more oomf - not seen the movie, but I love a bit of Imagine Dragons on movie soundtracks!
I am also still very much enjoying all the songs on the Of Monsters and Men album - King and Lionheart is still my favourite, but great sing-along moments abound in the following:
Love it! :D Well on that note (pun intended) I am off to cook my tea while enjoying some of these tracks via my amazon music app on the iPad - love that app! I don't use iTunes as my default music player on the PC and use Windows Media Player as it holds my 20 odd intricately-crafted playlists created over the past 15 years. But I love that I can stream my latest music purchases (which are usually via amazon digital these days) via the app and on my iPad without having to download them to said iPad. Great for listening to music in the kitchen, bath and wherever. :D
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