...the blog has entered Christmas mode with it's festive redesign. :)
I know we're not there yet, but seriously I need something to get me more organised with my Christmas shopping! And the first step is to realise it's almost Christmas!
I have been frantically trying to get in a more festive mood - even a trip to Aldi after work tonight, having seen the brochure that popped through my door, hasn't worked... I usually buy loads of the Christmas specialities in Aldi, but my trip wasn't as successful as hoped. I picked up a few gift items, but sadly so many of the things I was after were in a pretty scruffy state on the shelves and not fit to wrap as a gift or just weren't there. :( I really wanted a box of their Speciality butter fudge. Ho-hum... and I left 50 quid lighter with not a lot to show for my splurge...
But never to mind, I have managed to get a little festive crafting in this evening - am slightly dreading the moment when I'll have to get all my Christmas card makes sorted ready for writing! :oO
But that's for another day. ;)