It's been a long while since I shared some recent pins I've come across on Pinterest, so I thought it time to revisit my Pinterest boards and see what caught my eye.
They all seem to be in a similar colour palette...
First up this lovely vintage book spines - probably from the 50s and 60s - I am sure there are a few of these on the bookshelves at my mum and dad's:
I just love the botanicals in this interior design - oh for such high windows and a balcony, and I love that twig branch lamp stand:
Hoop embroidery and wall hangings are a very popular trend at the moment, but it's been a while since I've seen such a lovely piece of art:
And finally, why won't Pyrex re-release some of their fantastic original designs - I'd love some Pyrex dishes in these shades - what's not to love?
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