So it took became a bit more of a laborious project than I first thought dew to trying to colour match and get everything aligned where I wanted it to be, but after a night of Distress Stickles drying the card to welcome little baby Anja is ready to send out:
Paper and stickers: MME
Stamps: PTI
Dies: PTI, MFT
Punches: Martha Stewart
Thickers: American Crafts
Felt: PTI
Other: Thread, 3D foam, Distress Stickles
The original pink of the Thickers was too purple-pink against the rest of the card so Distress Stickles came to the rescue. :)
I also managed to get the card for tomorrow's 52 Cards challenge made... but no hints until tomorrow morning! ;o)
Gorgeous card - so so pretty.
Hope it is a Christmas prompt for tomorrow LOL!!
Posted by: Karen P | Sunday, 30 September 2012 at 03:46 PM
What an adorable card, so pretty and girlie.
Posted by: sharon | Thursday, 04 October 2012 at 09:11 PM