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Handmade by Natty: Admirer of pretty things, collector of crafty stuff, spare time maker of paper bits and bobs...

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  • Seven Hills Crafts
  • The Daring Cardmakers Blog!


  • About my project supply lists:
    I only use and share products that I genuinely love. The product supply lists that accompany my projects are simply intended to provide a visual overview of what I've used in case you have the same items at home or would like to add them to your own shopping list. I link to several stores in the UK and US and am an affiliate member of, The Greetery, Concord & 9th, Altenew, and Amazon UK - this means that when you click on an affiliate link and go on to make a purchase I will receive a small percentage at no cost to you. Money raised through affiliate links will go straight towards my crafting fund. Finally, please note that any products marked "(r)" are retired and may no longer be available for sale online.

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Sunday, 22 January 2012


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Vintage Roses

Yes yummie aqua and very Springy (probably not an English word but heck... I'm a foreigner)

People with a garden were asked to write down the birds they spotted in their garden today- for a national bird counting.

I have a balcony, but spotted this one ;)

Ruth S

Sounds like you've had a lovely weekend, your card is gorgeous ;)
I've done just the teeniest bit of crafting but spent lots of time experimenting with filming videos for my bloggo. Eye opening! Rx


You can't beat a Nora Roberts book :)

Handmade by Natty

Oooh rather you than me Ruth, I spend so much time faffing in Photoshop sometimes that I hate to think how long it would take me to do anything more complicated! LOL
And Sandra, I totally agree... looking forward to the next JD Robb now. ;)

Helen Self

Hi Nat

I'm the Acting Deputy Editor on Papercraft Inspirations magazine, which is Britain's best-selling papercraft and card-making magazine with over 35,000 readers each month.

In each issue of the magazine I put together a two-page gallery of wonderful, inspirational cards that I've spotted on blogs from around the world, and in our April 2012 issue I'd love to feature one of your cards which I've just seen. It's your 'Think Happy Thoughts' card which you posted on 22 January and which I think is just fab! Would you like the card to be featured in our magazine?

As well as writing about your card and giving your blog address, we would also put a link to your blog from our own website. Our website is The magazine itself would go on sale in the UK on 14 March and overseas at the end of April

All I would need from you is confirmation that you'd like your card to be featured, and a high resolution image of the card (min 300dpi, jpg) which is suitable for print quality - this can simply be sent as an attachment to an email.

I look forward very much to hearing from you and hope that we'll be able to showcase your wonderful card to inspire our card-makers!

Very best wishes

Helen Self
Acting Deputy Editor
Papercraft Inspirations magazine

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