Well now that 2009 is almost over and I have managed to make those 209 cards this year (barely!) I am now looking for a new challenge for my creative output in 2010.
I've not found any year-long cardmaking challenges so far. If anyone is taking part in any let me know! I shall still be following the usual sketch sites and challenges on UKS as a springboard to making stuff.
But I think I will follow my own little goal for 2010.
Inspire me 2010 - where I aim to be inspired and creative each day in some way; whether it be in making a card, layout or project, taking photos, having serious window-shopping envy and sharing that envy with the world, or just getting warm and fuzzy over stuff I see online or around me.
And speaking of feeling inspired, I am still looking for the perfect wall calendar... I have a fantastic desk calendar that I shall share tomorrow, but still the perfect wall calendar evades me! Perhaps I need to go in search of the magnetic poetry wall calendar. It's a shame Borders is now closed as they used to have some interesting ones, but first stop in the Jan Sales will be Waterstones.
And still looking for something decorative for my bathroom wall - the ceramic letters they had in Next are no longer available but I want something similar that blends in nicely but won't get too damaged by steam and isn't too OTT for the walls.
And lastly, I am really liking this little snow globe, I feel I have totally failed this year on finding some nice new Christmas decorations (save my sparkly polar bear and felt mistletoe garland), but this would certainly look nice in my eclectic collection of Christmas stuff:
I think it would fit in quite nicely with last year's nesting dolls from Accessorize:
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