As you may have seen the dust bunnies moved into my blog, for it has not been updated in a while.
It's a sad pathetic tale of a poor Christmas journal addict who happened to be felled by the worst bout of flu to hit her all year right over Christmas - the pinnacle of my Christmas journal!!! March flu was bad enough, but this was some'ink else!
I have no clear recollections of Christmas Eve onwards. I spent much of that day passed out/delirious in bed and battling with a really bad fever and a lot of pain, there was talk of taking me to A&E for fear of it being meningitis (I think this was panic stricken mother talk) but thankfully it broke in the evening. Phew! I know I managed to have some food in the evening, then Christmas day followed much the same with me passed out on the sofa this time. I don't really remember anything of that day either, I had no appetite at all and couldn't eat my Christmas dinner, that's about all I clearly remember. :o(
I've not got any photos from Christmas that I took, which is really sad.
And since then I've just been trying to get over this thing and am finally up to sitting at my PC! I hope this is truly it, as it's the culmination of feeling yucky for over a month now.
So, tomorrow I shall be starting back on catching up on my JYC. I feel a bit cheated out of my Christmas experience because in my recollection, it still hasn't happened! Perhaps I can persuade everyone to do it again for my benefit. LOL
Or maybe not! I did get some wonderful presents, lovely Benefit and Urban Decay make-up (wish I was looking good enough to slap it all on for a night out!), some lovely scrappy stuff from Ang, choooooooooocolate, owl socks and an owl key ring from ma, the new X-Files film on DVD, Mario kart from my brother which he actually played in my stead all Christmas day (I knew he really wanted it for himself LOL), and some lovely glass jewellery.
And finally....
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!
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