No update yesterday as I was having a lovely day at Zoe's with the girls that culminated in some gingerbread house construction worthy of a cake wreck special! They looked much better once the girls had chance to decorate them! LOL Then the evening was spent watching Strictly and eating take away which meant that there was zero energy to move the paper trimmer!
So today, after the "big" Christmas shop x 2, I got down to starting back on my JYC... I am still one day behind, but at least here's the one for the 17th:
In case it's difficult to make out the top 8 gift list, here's a better pic:
We have:
- Playskool Maximus
- Crayola Caddy
- Dial-a-Design
- Lego Basic
- My Little Pony dream castle
- Rollerboats
- Game of Knowledge
- Party Sindy ca. 1982 apparently - but that's the exact doll!
:D You know I think I still have my dial-a-design in the loft somewhere...
Loving your JYC!
Posted by: Samm | Sunday, 21 December 2008 at 10:29 PM
LOL, I am glad I am not alone in having owned one of these - but do you ever feel slightly compelled to sometimes go and search it out and have a play again!?
I don't think I ever did anything with the designs after colouring them in, because well... they were just on those circles of paper! But yep, dial a design certainly saw a lot of action. :oD
Posted by: Handmade by Natty | Sunday, 21 December 2008 at 10:32 PM
Arrghh Nat. I had the dream castle and TOTALLY loved it. In fact I think I might steal your ideas and make a page with all my old toys on it - although I have NO IDEA if I got them for xmas or birthdays. Love love love the colours - your journal is looking sooooo cute.
Posted by: Sarah | Monday, 22 December 2008 at 02:34 PM
Oooh do it Sarah - I can't remember if I got my caddy for christmas or a birthday, but you just remember what made you happy don't you? And I loved all those toys - I could have listed more that I remember, but they were my friends' toys so it was quite nice playing at each others houses.
Posted by: Natty | Monday, 22 December 2008 at 03:51 PM