Do you ever have days where you just wish you could hit rewind and start all over again?
Today was such a day.
Took 10 minutes to scrape off about 3 mm of ice from all windows of the car, plugged ipod in to listen to some new Moby tunes en route, silence... ipod skipping the moby tracks and not playing them, great, fog all the way to work, closest park ticket machine not working so trekked to other end of car park to use the one that was - skidded on ice.
Work was going OK until this afternoon when the main PC in the office froze then refused to reboot to anything other than safe mode. Managed to finally get it to boot by disconnecting the broadband modem, but after that it wouldn't recognise the LAN connection - so no Internet and kept trying to dial for some reason despite all the settings telling it not to - thankfully my PC that shares the broadband still had net access and I was able to field e-mails and send back one of the projects due today... but it took 2 hours to sort out all these issues, received some rather annoying feedback from a previous job that needed sorting out and put me in a worse mood, and before you know it, it was after 5 p.m.
Huge traffic queue to get home, decided I'd still go to the gym but needed petrol and to get change for my parking tomorrow, card wouldn't work in petrol station, so no cash back, managed to pay on something else but wouldn't let me get cash back, then headed to the gym.
Car park packed, so parked right at the far end where there were only a handful of spaces... not relishing fighting for a machine to workout on. Got bags stuck in the turntable and held up a queue of people wanting to get in, had to wait for a changing cubicle, got changed and was stood in my bra and knickers and realised I'd left my jogging bottoms at home. Got changed back and walked back to the car and got back on route home.
Stuck in traffic again, and nipped into tescos to get some cash back - still doing well on Lent fasting as despite my need for chocolate, I didn't buy any!
Managed to get home, but driveway blocked so had to park down the street. Got driveway unblocked and parked car. Dropped bags and decided to not bother attempting anything else for the evening.
Syn free chips currently in the oven, hot water getting ready for a shower and then I'll investigate my ipod issues!
Oh and if I still have any sanity left, I may just make a card.
I hope your Monday was better! ;o)
On a lighter note, I see that Basic Grey are releasing a stamp set with their cute birds and an owl or two from a previous rub-on release... not so fussed with the butterflies though and there's nothing else I want from that release... relief!
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