...of another kind!
Well today was supposed to be a creative day. Unfortunately that didn't quite happen, I got back from the gym after 1 and by 2 was ready to get down and create, but spent much of the afternoon trying to sort out some techy related issues then by 4 realised that I wasn't going to get much done really before tea.
So I decided to tackle a project I've been meaning to get started - my pile of magazines and converting them into a style file! :oD
I went through cutting bits out: product inspiration, LO ideas, techniques, cards, projects, you get the drift ready to paste onto some paper and file away.
So I just need to get some dividers and a nice funky file and we'll be ready to go... I only managed about 10 magazines and I am determined to keep this up now - it's very liberating and I seem to be making much better use of the mags as I am storing away snippets of ideas as well as whole examples and making notes for them as they go in. Just another 50 mags or so to go through now!
And I am such an ad junkie that I may just have to store away some of the really pretty ads like the one for doodlebug in the current Papercrafts with the tweety birds and bird boxes.
Right, suppose I should have a mooch around and get some more mags sorted. I got a great link for a card sketch inspiration blog today, hope to check it out tomorrow, but not holding my breath if today was anything to go by!
Looks awesome!!! Great plan!
Posted by: Latharia | Sunday, 18 February 2007 at 05:17 AM
What a FAB idea Nat - might have to do that myself, although I just feel soooo guilty cutting up magazines - feels a little like tearing up a book, kwim? Sacriligous!
Posted by: Jools | Sunday, 18 February 2007 at 07:05 PM
Oh Jools, surely you can tackle pre-2005 mags?? Was I the only one still hoarding them all?
Posted by: Natty | Sunday, 18 February 2007 at 08:45 PM