"What the hell??" I hear you say... has she been sniffing the black staz-on again?
No, I have not.
I have just returned from my dentist's appointment after my filling... bottom tooth not top... so "Ahhh my mouth feels so numb!"
It's totally reminiscent of my favourite episode of Frasier ever! "Ham Radio" (Season 4).
OK for the uninitiated the synopsis goes:
"It's KACL's 50th anniversary and to celebrate Frasier decides to recreate the station's first mystery theatre broadcast - 'Nightmare Inn'. Frasier gives everyone a part in the radio play, with himself as the lead, with a number of the smaller roles being played by a professional actor, Mel White. As rehearsals begin, however, Frasier's Orson Welles complex takes over and he criticizes everyone's performance, managing in the process to alienate his only professional actor, who promptly quits! Niles is brought in at the last minute to play six different parts including a maid and a dwarf. During the live broadcast all goes awry when Frasier decides to try and improve Niles performance."
Anyway in this episode Roz is all set to play the part of the exotic Miss Thorndike, but just before they're due to perform the play live on air Roz arrives late explaining with a mouth full of cotton wool she has been at the dentists and the Novocaine hasn't worn off yet:
"Phorry I'm late, Phaser, I just sphent two hours in the dentist chair. An emergenphie, Ohh."
Anyway there's nothing for it but to start the play and for Roz to deliver her lines including the best one:
Roz: Inphector, ow! Phank God you ca'.
Frasier: This is a grisly business, Miss Thorndike.
Roz: I can't beweive any of my guests cod be a... mopible mupuder.
Frasier: That's easy for you to say. But my job is to suspect everybody. Please, introduce me to your... no, no, never mind. I know your guests by reputation.
And it's the "mopible mupuder" (aka multiple murderer) line that gets me every time because right at this minute that is how I am speaking! If at all!
So if you've never seen this episode of Frasier, rent it now! It is the best! :oD Oww, maybe I better lay off the smiling for a bit too - thank heaven's our meal out is tomorrow not today!
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