Well new year, new month...
Had a totally fab time in London with Zoe and Kirsty (the frock is even more amazing in real life!) and Michael's party was simply fantastic - although I think a lot of people were a bit weary of the two mad women with camera's flashing every few seconds! Just had an ace time and have still got to sort the photos out for uploading. So many shots of the back of peoples heads... and there are a few of Zoe with my besequinned handbag for a little extra flash... hm... it didn't seem to work - but never mind!
It was very nice indeed and my toes have now returned to their usual shape after being stuffed into my pointy shoes for the evening - yow.
The day after the night before we did a bit of sightseeing - went round the V&A museum, had delicious lunch there. The restaurant area and rooms are absolutely stunning and you feel the £7 for your haute cuisine sandwich was well worth it when sat under the amazing ceiling lights and all the breathtaking tiling and stained glass... I just love the fashion exhibit and they had a special 60s fashion exhibit sponsored by Miss Selfridge - hopefully my shots aren't too blurred as I didn't want to use the flash.
Anyway, I've still yet to unpack. But my salon sized Aveda Shampure from Harrod's is now residing in the bathroom - love the stuff and even Harrod's sells it cheaper than you can get online what with P&P costs. I think the best thing about Harrod's is the people watching - it's amazing the types you see in there and you could play the guessing game for hours!
We also hit the Paperchase store on Totenham Court Road - 3 storeys of merchandise... I bought nothing!
I know!!! How bad is that... The things I was most tempted by I'd have never got home in one piece on the train - loads of amazing parchment/thick vellum effect wrapping paper - oh it'd look so nice on gifts! The really nice and funky handmade paper sheets for wrapping or using were so lush, but I have nowhere to put them and would never use them as they are too nice. Just nice eye candy really. I almost bought some Christmas stickers in the sale, and some Letraset small sheets of Helvetica as I fancied some small alphas... but couldn't be bothered in the end.
And I was actually far more tempted by some of the items we saw in Diva greetings/stationery shop in Angel Islington near the hotel en route to Pizza Express... yum yum.
So now it's properly 2007 I am back on the SW regime (day 2 officially) and need to shed the Christmas excess -thankfully the party outfit still fit - and amazingly Zoe's 3rd outfit option was the dress I'd bought before Christmas and was considering for the party - alas the slip that matched nicely at the top was too long so I left it at home in the end - but coincidence or what?? What if we'd both ended up wearing it! LOL.
I've got the gym tonight for my free personal trainer consultation bit and a good work out, then tomorrow it's my proper personal trainer session where I will collapse at the end no doubt. And a driving lesson in the morning. I have totally forgotten everything about driving... it's only been 2 weeks or so since I went pootling last.
Ho hum, I'd best get off the PC for a bit. My order of KI stamps arrived this morning - totally scrummy! Even faster than an order from the UK placed the same day, hope that one arrives tomorrow.