OK, Bev has tagged me with a festive tag, so I shall be a good festive little soul and do it now! As I am missing my Christmas cheer!
I did have a fab time at the gym - I know! Who'd have thought it, but as a result I have gone the personal trainer route and will be paying my extra to have an hour long session once a week as it was so motivating and really pushed me, and I actually enjoyed it. Plus I, of all people, have been crowned her most flexible client, even more flexible than her size 10 clients! :oD So again, all those years of ballet stood me in good stead for that at least. And I have to do advanced hamstring stretches as the usual ones are too easy apparently. Oh well... hehe
Anyway back to the tag, whilst I watch Grey's Anatomy at the same time.
Eggnog or Hot Chocolate? Well I have not actually had Eggnog - one day I am sure - for some reason it reminds me of Advocat but in a long drink and hopefully less er... merry! So at the moment I will have to say Hot Chocolate. But the good stuff, I have a weakness for Cadbury's hot chocolate and the Malteasers drink. But if out and about I love the Thornton's continental hot chocolate with the little cup made of chocolate filled with single cream that you drop in to melt and stir... Alas not venturing there in the near future!
Does Father Christmas wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Well Father Christmas still visits, and his presents have always been beautifully wrapped by his fellow helpers.
Coloured lights on tree/house or white? I prefer white twinkly ones (not D.I.S.C.O. ones!). But if they are coloured lights I like warm colours - like two tone. We have a fab red and orange set for the fireplace garland... just hope I can get spare bulbs.
Do you hang mistletoe? Er, no... it's a bit of a waste. hehe
When do you put up your decorations? It's getting later and later, but I tend to put the Scrap Hovel tree up (for inspiration etc. :oP) the 2nd weekend of December. Any time before Christmas Eve is fine! Especially since everyone starts out helping but after the first 15 minutes everyone except me has disappeared to do something else. I love it, but only if I am psyched up for the slog!
What is your favourite Christmas dish? The various types of mini sausages cuddled up to a prune and wrapped in a rasher of smokey bacon then roasted. But I probably won't be indulging in too many of those this year - will make them as I usually do of course! Apart from that I really like Pierogi on Christmas Eve, the chestnuts from the brussel sprout and chestnut cherine, and nice crunchy stuffing, for some reason the paxo style sage and onion I just love I could eat a whole dish of it! I know, totally mad...
Favorite Christmas memory as a child? It's so hard, but I remember the year I got my white roller skates with fluorescent pink wheels, stopper and zig zag stripe... they were ace and I only stopped wearing them when I could no longer put them on my feet. It's funny how you have some totally dream gifts that you wish you could still enjoy! Other than that, I just liked that we'd get Christmas dinner out of the way and all collapse in zombie states until we had enough energy to play with one of the toys we got as kids... Like the year I put together my brother's Robin Hood lego castle (he struggled and just didn't want to follow the instructions, so he played with the characters, while I built it! Sweeeet!) and the year we got a Russian monopoly set off a friend, and our Russian reading skills were very slooooooow it took us an hour to get round the board twice before we had to call ma in to help. Needless to say we gave up by 11 p.m. with no clear winner.
When and how did you learn that Father Christmas isn't real? It was so traumatic I blocked it from my memory... I dunno I just did, but the year my brother found out or at least grew suspicious was when FC visited our primary school and all the little kids got to sit on his knee, tell them they'd been good this year, and remind him what they'd put on their lists. Well he slipped to one side when he lost his balance and was about to fall off FC's knee, so grabbed his beard for dear life, only to have it come off in his hand. A 3 second silence descended through the hall, followed by a scream, screech and flood of tears.... he was never that trusting after that. hehe
Can you ice skate? Yep, but not done it for a while. Hope to get back on the ice one I'm lighter on my feet! :oD And with any luck try the Olympic ice rink in Vancouver in 2010 or at least get tickets to watch....
Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? No, but really we should as per Polish tradition... but it gets a bit complicated around midnight and we reach international waters...
How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? Mine in the Scrapping Hovel is silver and has little stars on it already, so it doesn't need much - extra lights of course, I just need the extra lights (especially my angel set) a few lilac, silver, mint green and cream baubles, plus some purple and silver ribbon/beads, and some other random coordinating decorations... perfect.
Snow! Love it or Dread it? Snow - deep and crisp and even - I love. Slush, ice and brown stuff, I HATE.
What's the most important thing about Christmas for you? Enjoying it and appreciating it - if you take out the stress and impatience that is always exhibited at moments by various family members! - I just love all the preparations and getting them ticked off in time, but I even love the Christmas line up and knowing that I can watch either Chitty Chitty Bang Bang/Mary Poppins/Sound of Music/Thoroughly Modern Millie/Annie/Sound of Music over the festive season - wouldn't be the same without a classic musical!
Do you remember your favourite present? The my little pony dream castle and the roller boots!
What is your favorite Christmas dessert? After the main course, it's a looooooooooong time to dessert. I do like a slice of good Christmas cake and a piece of cheese. But also a nice teeny tiny Christmas pud as it's the only time of the year to have one!
What tops your tree? The big angel in the Angel light set. :oD
What is your favourite Christmas tradition? Having a Polish Christmas Eve followed by a Yorkshire-style Christmas day!
Which do you prefer giving or receiving presents? Giving, but I am not adverse to receiving either!
What is your favorite Christmas Song? I am a strange Maudlin' type. My favourite carol is The Coventry Carol, but I love 'Zat you Santa Clause - Louis Armstrong version and Holly Cole version as well as Sarah McLachlan's recent cover of River, and of course her very own Song for a Winter's Night!
Candy Canes on the tree? Never had them, but I see a certain maternal figure will be getting a candy cane Philosophy gift set this Christmas... dun dun dun....
And if you are reading this (especially you Christmas Journalers!) consider yourselves tagged!
I foresee that I am on Christmas Tree decorating duty tomorrow night, but really want to journal!
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