Right Tree, here we go, I'm a bit rusty at the tagging - it's been months! Brace yourselves for loooong answers.
1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be?
Well, after this weekend, I (and a few others), decided I was not really cut out for truly rural life (already sick of muck-spreading season - pong), I like little towns and being able to walk into civilisation as necessary (i.e. I am not really a city girl unless it were to be a certain Canadian city that is really like no other I have been to!). So ultimately I would want to build a house where I can easily get to solitude or get to human interaction. If it was abroad it would definitely be in or around Vancouver. Yes, I know... predictable. But that's where it'd be. But in the UK, it'd still be somewhere up north - the water tastes better! hehe
2. What's your favourite article of clothing?
I love my Kipling bag, the pink one, but also cannot wait to start using my green leather new number. So really, the answer must be bags, although I don't have that many!
3. Favourite physical feature of the opposite sex?
Oh man, I have a real weakness for a strong nose on the right face. There has to be proportion, dark eyes and good brows to match and I am a puddle of mush. Want to know what I am seeing? Well it's a Patrick Dempsey look, a David Duchovny thing going on... Oooh time for a 3 minute break while I go day dream for a bit.
4. What's the last CD that you bought?
Technically not an entire CD, but the last tracks I downloaded were They May Be Giants' Birdhouse in Your Soul, some vintage Kate Bush. If you want to be anal and say it must be an entire CD, then it was the entire exclusive Afterglow Live concert download from the Netwerk website.
5. Where's your favourite place to be?
Home, there's no place like Home Dorothy, although sometimes there's no place like NOT being at home either!
6. Where's your least favourite place to be?
Crowded shops during the mad Sale rush - oh I cannot stand it - elbows flying, bruises forming, and the noise... hate it!
7. What's your favourite place to be massaged?
8. Strong in mind or strong in body?
Looking a bit poor on both counts. Strong in mind is obviously not me... how can it when I have the willpower of a gnat. Take today for instance, I was in search of photo corners, so I happened to order a photo corner making punch of artbase but added to my basket replacement blades (needed!), a Cropodile (not tried it but really I am just being a sheep here and I need to start using my eyelets and snaps and if it's that easy then it will not be so hard to actually do this vs. hammering all the time), a rolling stamp (finally I will try it and see how I go) and then Jill, well I had to get at least one set of the new Autumn Leaves stamps so ordered the new nature set and some AC mini rub-ons to go with them...
Strong in body is interesting, as for certain things I could give a rugby prop a good run for his money (i.e. moving an upright grand piano on my own) but in others I seriously need to pump some iron!
9. What time do you wake up in the morning?
Usually 2 minutes before my alarm goes off. I wake up a number of times in the night but only to look at my clock, not fully awake but enough to take on board the time. Weekends I try to have a lie in, as I get up at 6.40 every morning and usually go to bed around 11 or later depending on TV viewing... I am happy if I feel well-rested on a Sat/Sun for having at least managed to sleep past 8 - however this rarely happens. :o(
Take Florida for example, that was just strange, adjusted perfectly well to the time change, but I was to bed at 1 a.m./2 a.m. most of the time, yet still up at 6 - 6:30 without fail!
10. What is your favourite Kitchen appliance?
My mini George Foreman, great for ad hoc Panini making but ooops, that's not quite true, as really it's the little Tefal electric toaster oven, the size of a small microwave, I mean small. It has a hotplate on the top, but is fab for quickly oven cooking things like fajitas or savoury pancake wraps.
11. What makes you really angry?
Hm, well I'd have to say unfairness, bad things always happening to good people! But also selfishness, rudeness and people who think they are god's gift... hehe
12. If you could play an instrument what would it be?
Well a bit rusty as I don't practise, grade 8 piano and grade 7 viola (although I really do need to replace the missing A string some day - oops). I would love to be able to sing, love it, love it, love it! Not for any ambitious mega star dreams - but just for me. Just so I could hit those notes in Mozart Arias, Phantom of the Opera moments, or so that my voice really did sound like it does in my head. Bloody amazing! :oP
13. Favourite colour?
Still celery meets kiwi in an understated sort of way. But that is definitely the wrong question to ask a scrapbooker as surely it changes as frequently as the wind changes direction!
14. Sports car or SUV?
OK, I am partial to the cuteness that is a convertible VW Beetle. And really I have a fondness for convertible Micras as they are nice and high for the seating (a plus for a shorty like me) and they have a good sound system - vital!
15. Do you believe in an afterlife?
I watch enough about it to believe so... sometimes this fascinates and equally worries me... lol
16. Favourite children's book?
Oh my gosh, well I shall have to pick a few because they represent different stages of book appreciation. We'll start with "When we were very young" - this book I knew like the back of my hand. When i say I knew it, I mean I knew it, I knew the order of the poems, the verses, and even the special voices.
The King said,
And then he said,
"Oh, deary me!"
The King sobbed, "Oh, deary me!"
And went back to bed.
He whimpered,
"Could call me
A fussy man;
I only want
A little bit
Of butter for
My bread!"
Then we have Revolting Rhymes and Dirty Beasts by Roald Dahl - too many favourite bits but this always made us howl:
He sat there watching her and smiled.
He thought, I'm going to eat this child.
Compared with her old Grandmamma,
She's going to taste like caviar.
Then Little Red Riding Hood said,
"But Grandma, what a lovely great big
furry coat you have on."
"That's wrong!" cried Wolf.
"Have you forgot
To tell me what BIG TEETH I've got?
Ah well, no matter what you say,
I'm going to eat you anyway."
The small girl smiles. One eyelid flickers.
She whips a pistol from her knickers.
She aims it at the creature's head,
And bang bang bang, she shoots him dead.
A few weeks later, in the wood,
I came across Miss Riding Hood.
But what a change! No cloak of red,
No silly hood upon her head.
She said, "Hello, and do please note
My lovely furry wolfskin coat."
Then for my obscure book, but this most definitely was my favourite. It's this one - I have no idea where my parents bought it, but it was the one that kept me most entertained, it had to be sellotaped back together many times, but it was a picture encyclopedia sort of book called imaginatively "Words and Pictures - a first pictorial dictionary" and is an American book published in GB in 1977 by World Distributors. Words by Lucille Ogle and Tina Thoburn and pictures by Hilary Knight (also illustrated Eloise in Paris I believe). Alas no easy way to show a picture, but I might photograph it and upload one day. I have yet to find a single person who had this book, as it's the clearest most treasured one I remember having (actually still do ;o) hehe). But I cannot be alone as it's later edition is selling on ebay and other second hand places...
17. What's your favourite season?
Spring into summer - it smells beautifully in the evenings, dusk, ahhh, gets warmer, gets lighter for longer, and it's so pleasant... Likewise I love an Indian summer... we should be getting one about now!
18. What is your least favourite household chore?
Ugh, all of them. I get some satisfaction out of a manic clearing session, but I think it's cleaning venetian blinds that I hate the most!
19. If you could have one super-power, what would it be?
Complete self-assurance.
20. If you have a tattoo what is it?
Still undecided on the perfect one for me. Not going to do it until the right tattoo comes about, also ain't going to do it while there is such a large canvas to draw on!
21. Can you juggle?
Simple answer, no.
22. The one person from your past that you wish you could go back and talk to?
My grandma. And I'd go armed with a notebook and stack photo index!
24. What's in the boot of your car?
In the boot of my future dream car, lots of nice shopping bags hehe... since there currently is NO car.
25. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger?
Burger, with cheese - but I have enjoyed sushi although I need to be in the presence of an expert who knows my fishy needs to be more daring than the M&S selection platter for one!
And sorry, looks like I'll not be finishing up any layouts tonight! Tagging, lovely but boy if you tangent like I do, it can take a while! hehe
So, who to tag... right, I think anyone that reads this and manages to reach the end, but go for it blogends! Oh and let me know that you've done it too... phew...
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