Armed with the trusty Fox's Party Rings I shall now attempt to work out this latest tag... bear with me! There's sugar, food colouring and deep questions involved!
The rules for this particular tagging are as follows:
Remove the blog name in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. The add yourself to the bottom slot.
Then you get to select five people to pass this on to. I pick:
Er if anyone exists out there who reads this, and hasn't done this tag - consider yourself tagged! :oD
What were you doing 10 years ago?
Let's see... 17 was studying for my A-levels - well studying is a bit off the mark... more like living in a state of denial that I had to study... whilst also going through a phase (it has since become less in your face fanatic, but still life long fan) of loving the X-Files (this is really when it all began - must have been about a year into it!) and drooling over David Duchovny... Oh I used to collect loads of stuff... but you probably don't want to hear about that.
What were you doing one year ago?
Pretty much the same thing as now... oh that sounds quite sad in a way doesn't it... hm... I really need some ambition and blooming goals!
Five snacks that you enjoy (in no particular order, as all snacks are created equal):
1. Fox's classic bars
2. Seabrook crisps
3. Toast with nice jam/marmite
4. Imperial Foods organic bombay mix: the best!! The only place that sold it was Sainsbury's - went in today and it's not to be found anywhere... :o(
5. Ice cream preferably Haagen Daasz pralines and cream - nice!
Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics:
Well - official lyrics or the ones in my head aka misheard lyrics!
1. Barenaked Ladies - One Week (particularly like Chickity China the Chinese Chicken)
2. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (a la Wayne and Garth)
3. Abba - As soon as the music starts, you know the words!!
4. Sarah McLachlan - most of her CD collection!
5. Al Green - Love and Happiness
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Buy Sarah's house complete with stash in the attic!
2. Buy a little car (after learning to drive successfully)
3. Go on a bit of a trip - or even that scrapping cruise with my 5 pals!
4. Stay at a spa (the likes of the Aqua Sana but less crowded) for a looooong time
5. Clear all debt and actually save some money!
Five bad habits:
1. Allowing mess to grow until it reaches an unbearable level then having a total blitz
2. Falling asleep with the TV on and waking up to it just before the alarm with it still on!
3. Having no willpower and not even trying to have some
4. Getting into debt
5. Having an extraordinary knack for doing nothing when at a loose end (constructive use of time - what is that?)
Five things you like doing:
1. Surfing the boards and blogs and other favourite sites
2. Spending money
3. Looking at what I might like to spend my money on
4. Reading
5. Socialising with my scrapping gals
Five things you would never wear, buy or get again:
1. Peel-off stickers
2. Leggings
3. A trench coat
4. Atkins/Tescos low carb bars - it wasn't me that bought them but I had a try and it was very reminiscent of my old woodchip wallpaper, stick to the go-ahead yoghurt bars I say!
5. A cat igloo - there is just no point when a free box will do the job... grrr....
Five favourite toys:
1. Craft Robo
2. CK font organiser - would be lost without it
3. My PC
4. My Blog
5. My stash
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