It's not corrected despite lots of tweaking... sigh...
Anyway, back from the lights - and just knocked back some ibuprofen as it looks like a cold is on the way :o(
So no proper photos, the crowd was huuuge, we stood for 40 minutes before they were due on and we were no where near the stage, so by the time they came on I basically had to wave my camera in the air and hope for the best. LOL
Here they are:
What do you mean am I sure I was at the right place??
Look it was them, honest!
Well, you'll just have to trust me on this one!
They sang Angel of Harlem and Angels, much to the delight of the crowd, then Andy announced he was off in search of a huge parmo! Nothing new there then! hehe
It looks like they were signing photos beforehand. But the crowds were hard to get through afterwards and it looks like the lads were whisked off afterwards to catch their flight back down. TV cameras about so wonder if they were Look North or X-Factor. :oD
Well, I'm off to rustle up a hot chocolate.