Further proof that I am just not cut out for a life of domestic goddessness! So up I got this morning craving a soft boiled egg with soldiers (and Marmite mmm), punched an air hole in my egg with little gizmo #1, got the egg timer out to ensure optimum runniness of yolk, and sat back preparing my soldiers until the egg timer ran out, then fished said optimally boiled egg from the pan into my snoopy egg cup and reached for little gizmo #2 - the "egg top slicer-offer". Having done this a million times, I applied the same amount of for as usual, however unfortunately this shell seemed to be less hard than most and I managed to slice but also crush my hot soft boiled (optimum runniness of yolk) egg... resulting in it exploding in my hands and a huge splatter flying over my glasses and into my hair - now it's a good job I was wearing me specs and not contacts eh!
Honestly I was howling with laughter after the initial shock wore off... blimey... egg white and yolk all over the place in the kitchen - much of it all over me! So second attempt ended up with yolk being below optimum runniness - verging on hard boiled egg, and little gizmo #2 was relegated to the drawer that time... My poor Marmite soldiers were cold too. :o(
Next week, I'll try something simpler like pouring milk on my cornflakes! And now you wonder why I defer to a higher being for bringing dishes to crops, etc.
whoops! oh dear - blame it on the ghastly marmite fumes!!!
Posted by: Theresa | Sunday, 06 November 2005 at 10:40 AM